Donation / Sponsorship

Become a sponsor today with your generous donation.

Join the VMA

It is very easy to join the Vanderburgh Medical Alliance! If you or your spouse is eligible for membership to the Vanderburgh County Medical Society, you are eligible for membership in the VMA. If you are a resident or medical student or their spouse, you are eligible for membership in the VMA.

Just fill out the membership form and mail it along with your $50 local dues (VMA) (National-AMAA $65, and $10 for medical students/spouses & residents/spouses). Contact vanderburghmedicalalliance@gmail and request the address of where to mail the membership form. We hope to see you soon!

Sponsor/Membership Dues

To ensure that your name is listed in the Yearbook, please remit your dues by August 30th.

New Member?
Info Same as Last Year?
If no, what needs updated?
Spouse & Specialty

Donate to the VMA and become a sponsor today!  DONATE